Simple Time Tracking for Commercial Cleaners Take control of employee timesheets, monitor your accounts, and give your customers peace of mind.

Sign Up Now - For Free!

Employees are only allowed to check in/out of a facility when they are verified by GPS to be at the facility.


Stop the need of having to manually call in hours. With our process of check-ins and outs, all of your timesheets are already done.

Global View

Get a global view to see live updates as your employees are checking in, requesting supplies, or need immediate assistance.


Give your customers peace of mind and instant satisfaction by notifying with a live email update of who and when their office was cleaned.

  • Command Center

    The main feed of the administration dashboard puts you in a global view of your team. Follow them as they check-in and check-out of facilities all while seeing realtime updates on the targeted map view.

    Administration Dashboard

    Main Feed screenshot
  • Web app UI screenshot

    Real-Time Updates

    Watch and track your employees as they check-in and out of each facility. We consolidate all of this information into one easy feed that keeps you updated.

    Administration Dashboard

  • Employee Application

    Employees are quickly able to locate themselves at a facility and check-in and out. Working with any smartphone, your employees will be able to keep you up to date with their progress throughout the duration of the job.


    iPhone app UI screenshot
  • Web app UI screenshot

    Timesheet Recording

    As employees are checking in and out of facilities, you're able to accurately track their overall time. Doing away with manual time card submissions and peace of mind that your accounts are being completed and clients are kept happy.


Sign up today and it's absolutely free... seriously!

We are offering the time tracking application completely free for a limited time. At no time will we ask for you to pay for the time tracking. When we begin to roll out additional features and add-ons you will have the option of adding those to your existing plan. Sign up today to join our beta program, so that we can tailor these features specifically for commercial cleaners.

Sign Up Now - For Free!

Sign up for your free account.

We hate spam more than you do. We will only use your email to contact you directly. We promise! If you have any other questions, please send us a note at